Broken Car Key Extraction

Perhaps you’ve just broken your car key off your vehicle ignition switch or inside the door lock, you may need to contact a professional car key extraction service.
Breaking a key inside the ignition switch or door cylinder can happen when the key is old or the lock is not working smoothly and you need to apply force to turn it.

Our company can take care of your request without any hassle. We offer reliable key extraction services throughout the Cleveland area. Our services are available at any time of the day. We don’t compromise standard here.
Once you call us, we will be on our way to get the broken car key out of your car ignition system. Also, we help car owners extract broken car keys out of their door lock.
While you’re expected for us, we urge you to stay calm till we arrive. Don’t try to retrieve the key yourself. That could aggravate the situation at hand and cost you a lot of money. Kindly exercise patience till we arrive.

New car key - After we will extract to broken key out we can make a new key for your car on the spot.

Key Extraction

Remove a Broken Key from a Car Lock